Sunday, June 7, 2015

VIP (Mapped IP) Configuration

Our aim is to access the server remotely using Static IP mapped to local machine.

Step1.  We need to configure the basic LAN and WAN settings on the firewall.
We need to configure the Virtual IP. To do so go to,
Firewallà Virtual IPà Click on Create New and enter the following details.

Give an appropriate name.
Select the appropriate WAN interface incase if you are using more than one ISP.
Give the external IP Address and the internal IP address to which it is mapped.
Click on OK
Now we need to create a policy to access the Virtual IP, to do so go to,
Firewallà PolicyàClick on Create New and enter the following details

Select the Source interface as WAN1

Select the Destination Address as VIP the one which you have created in Step2.

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