Sunday, June 7, 2015

RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

Rip is a distance vector protocol

  •  How far and in which direction the route presents (no:of Hops between the source and destination)

Distance vector protocol:
The name distance vector is derived from the fact that routes are advertised as vectors of (distance, direction), where distance is defined in terms of a metric and direction is defined in terms of the next-hop router. For example, "Destination A is a distance of 5 hops away, in the direction of next-hop router X." As that statement implies, each router learns routes from its neighboring routers' perspectives and then advertises the routes from its own perspective. Because each router depends on its neighbors for information, which the neighbors in turn may have learned from their neighbors, and so on, distance vector routing is sometimes facetiously referred to as "routing by rumor."
  1.      In rip max hop count is 15
  2.      Rip AD value is 120
  3.      It runs on UDP
  4.      Protocol number 520

            Hello                            –          30 sec
            Hold down timer         –          180 sec
            Flush timer                  –          240 sec (including hold down timer 180+60 sec)

Types of updates
  1.                          Periodic updates – hello packets
  2.                     Trigger updates – it updates immediately when any interface is down
  3.                    Partial updates – it updates immediately when new route has come

Loop prevention mechanisms:
        i.            Max hop count
      ii.            Split horizon : when a router learns a route through one interface then it won’t advertise the same routes through that particular interface
    iii.            Route poisoning
     iv.            Poisoning reverse
       v.            Count to infinity
     vi.            Hold down timer
   vii.            Flush timer

Rip v1 works on

  1.   Broadcast address
  2.   It is a classfull network
  3.   It doesn’t support authentication
Rip v2 works on

  1.   multicast address
  2.   It is a hybrid ie classfull/classless(no autosummary)
  3.   It supports authentication

For geting Debug logs...
Debug ip rip
U all

Passive Interface in RIP:
If we configure an interface with an Passive interface, then that interface will receive all the updates from other routers. But it won’t send any updates through that particular interface.
Authentication process:
 Conf t
Key chain new                                                     {Creating Authentication in router}
Key 1
Key-string XXXX

Int s0/0
Ip rip authentication mode text                        {applying authentication on interface}
Ip rip authentication key-chain new

Changing max paths: (by default the max paths is 4)
Router rip
Maximum-paths 1      (1-16)

Manual summarization:
Conf t
Int s0/0
Ip summary-address rip

By Default RIP v1 can receive updates both from RIP v1 & RIP v2, But RIP v2 cant recive Updates from RIP v1. For RIP v2 to receive v1 route updates.

Inter receive routes between Rip ver 1 & Rip ver 2:
Conf t
Int s0/0
Ip rip receive 1 2

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