Saturday, May 30, 2015

TCP/IP Utilities

TCP/IP Utilities

it is used to troubleshoot and to maintain a Network without any Problems

  • PING (Packet Internet Gopher)

  Ping is used to find the connected device is alive are not. Ping uses a special protocol called ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
  We can check it for Connected devices, websites, DNS, DHCP and Print server etc

  • Tracert

It is similar to Ping, it identifies the path through which the packets is going to reach the Destination.

  • ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

It will resolves IP address to MAC address. Every  ARP request is a Broadcast, and ARP reply is a Unicast.

  • NS Lookup

For diagnosing the DNS problems. it  will shows the defined DNS server and to resolve there hostnames of other devices in the network.

  • IPConfig \ IPconfig /all
           To know the IP address of a windows device we will use this command. we can also know the all defined things like subnet, default gateway, DNS server etc
              in Window machine  ipconfig
              in Linux machine      ifconfig 

  • Net stat (Network Statistics)

It displayes network connections (both incoming and outgoing), routing tables and a no:of network interface statistics.
it is an helpfull tool in finding problems and determining the amount of traffic on the network as a performance measurement.

               netstat -s       Provides statics about incoming and outgoing traffic.
               netstat -o      To see the active TCP connections.
  • Nbt stat (Net Bios over TCP/IP)

It helps you to check inf about Net BIOS names. it helps us view the Net BIOS name cache
      EX: nbtstat -n

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